Cauteries & Cryosurgery for minor procedures
Cauteries and cryosurgery work in a similar fashion, even
though they are at opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of their effects. Cauteries
utilise a heated element to cut and seal on the body, whereas cryosurgery
equipment achieves a similar effect through the application of extreme cold.
Both tools are essential additions to any healthcare professional’s medical
CauteriesCauteries are the modern, technological equivalent of holding a needle over a
flame. Handheld devi
4th Jul 2019
Choosing the best digital thermometer
As any parent, or healthcare professional knows only too
well, getting an accurate temperature reading on an infant or small child can
present quite the challenge. Whether they are stressed or happy, young children
can be notorious wrigglers, and getting an ear or mouth thermometer in place
long enough to take a reading is often tricky.Fortunately, an entire range of digital
thermometers – including 100% contactless thermometers – have made the
process so much easier to conduct for GPs, nu
6th Jun 2019
World Hand Hygiene Day
Any healthcare professional will be able to attest to the importance of
good hand hygiene. 5 May 2019 is World Hand Hygiene Day and is the ideal
opportunity to promote good hand hygiene practices among medical staff,
patients, and the wider community.
Promoted by the World Health Organisation with the slogan “SAVE LIVES:
Clean Your Hands” the focus of the campaign is on health professionals
themselves, and the impact thorough hand hygiene has in the medical
profession by reducing
1st May 2019
European Immunization Week (24-30 April)
The 24th to the 30th April 2019 marks European Immunization
Week. Co-ordinated and led by the World Health Organization, the event promotes
the vital message that immunisation is crucial to protecting life and
preventing diseases.
Using the slogan of Prevent – Protect - Immunize, the purpose of European
Immunization Week is to increase the coverage immunisation receives through
raised awareness of its importance via healthcare professionals, parents and
caregivers, and the media, as wel
2nd Apr 2019
Are Wrist Blood Pressure Monitors Accurate?
When we picture someone having their blood pressure taken,
we normally envision a doctor or a nurse taking the reading with the assistance
of an upper arm blood pressure cuff. Indeed, this remains the most popular way
of taking blood pressure readings in the UK.
Some patients, particularly those whose condition requires them to take regular
readings over a period of time, favour the wrist blood pressure monitor, and
it’s easy to see why. They are simple to attach and detach, easy to read
5th Mar 2019